Download Spatial Data of Protected Natural Areas (ANP) in Peru
Downloads spatial data of protected natural areas in Peru declared by SERNAP (National Service of Natural Protected Areas). Data were obtained from GEO ANP as the official source. The data are in the "WGRS84" reference system and CRS(4326).
# \donttest{
# Read specific ANP
manu <- get_anp_peru(anp = "Manu")
pampa_galeras <- get_anp_peru(anp = "Pampa Galeras")
# Read more than one ANP
anps <- get_anp_peru(anp = c("Manu", "Yanachaga", "Calipuy"))
#> Spatial data for: Parque Nacional - MANU and Parque Nacional - YANACHAGA CHEMILLEN and Reserva Nacional - CALIPUY and Santuario Nacional - CALIPUY has been downloaded as a list object.
#> Problem connecting to data server. Please try again in a few minutes.
# }